...and the link to Linux is...

- if the North Island gets washed away, the damage to corporate NZ and
therefore Microsoft's profitability will be such that FOSS will be all that
- the Tsunami warning system is served by Linux servers...
- 'Tsunami' is an African word for 'Freedom'...
- the local Dive Centre uses a linux-based point of sale system...

I'm struggling here, but thanks anyway Ryan for the heads up ;-)

- DL

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 10:33 AM, Ryan McCoskrie

> This morning a magnitude 8.3 earthquake in Samoa caused
> a tsunami.
> A one meter wave has already hit the east cape in the North
> Island and is expected to hit Lyttelton at 11:55 am today.
> It is doubted that it will affect the South Island's east coast
> but be prepared for the possibility and stay off the beaches until
> the danger has passed.
> --
> Quote of the login:
> To understand a program you must become both the machine and
> the program.

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