On Wed, 21 Oct 2009 13:00:55 Aidan Gauland wrote:
> Ryan McCoskrie wrote:
> > Are you setting the archtitecture flag while compiling _as well as_
> > linking?
> Ah, yes, that would be helpful, wouldn't it?  Now that I *really* have that
> option set for the gcc, and not just ld, ld is complaining about
>  incompatible Shared Object (extention "so") files, which seems to fit what
>  Volker said.  I don't know much about binary execuatbles at this level,
>  but why does it care about the .so files themselves?  I thought they were
>  only used at runtime and the header files were used for compilation.

I only have a very vague knowledge of how this all works but ld edits
the object code in the executable so that it can track down the the right
.so files and (possibly even) know which parts of them are relevant.

Seeing that they could have been built with a different system / compiler / 
version reading through the headers is not sufficient to make this work.

Quote of the login: 
The "cutting edge" is getting rather dull. -- Andy Purshottam

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