John Carter wrote:
On Thu, 12 Nov 2009, Douglas Royds wrote:

Why can't I convince hal to mount by USB drive where I want it to? I need it to mount at /media/Port-Docs (as it used to) so that I can use my old Unison

Can I suggest the evil, but very pragmatic...

ln -s /wherever/gmount/put/the/damn/thing /media/Port-Docs

Yes. Yes, you can. That's my get-out-of-jail card. I'll do the symlink, synch up the HDDs, then point Unison at the new mount point and resynch, confident that there are no differences. This is important, as a full synch from scratch takes many, many hours.

Shame though. I was kind-of hoping to find out how Gnome/Hal/whatever decide where to mount things.


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