Nick Rout wrote:
I went into specsavers the other day to get a copy of an invoice for
my insurance company. Sat down at computer with assistant and she went
through several screens, it soon became apparent that she was not
using windows.

Invoice info etc was all via a browser (firefox) and invoice came up
in openoffice writer so she could print it. While she was off at the
printer I clicked an icon that said "my computer" or suchlike. The
file system was definitely *nix, it had var opt and dev directories (I
couldn't linger as the printer wasn't far away.)

She knew nothing about what was underlying the software she used. It
may have been any unix variant, but it was great to see something that
wasn't windows!
+1 on the optometrist theme. Having just got my reminder that it's time for new glasses, I know that it was 2 years ago I saw a version of gnome running on a terminal in OPSM, which I was quite surprised to see. Surprised only because that may have been the first time I had seen such an obviously linux setup it in a store. But very pleased to see. Not sure what versions however it looked similar to the first linux desktop that I ever successfully installed (though could do nothing with) 10 years ago, with the foot-shaped main menu and weird dialog boxes & mouse shapes pointing in the wrong direction etc. Not meaning to start no wars nor nothing.... just saying, it was not like the recent gnome desktop (which I do actually quite like and sometimes use).


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