Hi all,

This may be off topic, but there are plenty of gurus who read this list
and are interested in tv.

My tuner is a Sommet, Code: SHDNZ1. It appears to be a specialised
computer.The code running it is held in flash memory, and updates are
available to be run from a computer connected to the unit with a serial
crossover cable. So far no indication of what the underlying operating
system, if any, is.

Now to my problems.

1. the clock keeps getting out of sync with the real world.

2. sometimes the number buttons on the remote fail to change to another
channel, this can have various effects - unable to select any channel,
unable to select 1 channel only, banner showing chosen channel appears
but no info and no change.

3. Sometimes the remote fails to work. (NO its not a battery problem)

In general the only way to get the unit working properly again is to
switch off power and allow it to reboot. Turning off and back on using
the power button on the remote usually results in a tv with no channel
selected and no display.

BTW the tuner is 1 approved by Freeview.

General performance is frustrating. Before I try to return it, is anyone
else using this tuner, any comments on any of tuners on the market, or
other war stories.

Any comments appreciated


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