On Sun, 2010-04-18 at 11:08 +1200, Ross Drummond wrote:
> On Sunday 18 April 2010, you wrote:
> > I interpreted Barry's words to mean: "I have got it to go, thanks folks".
> > 
> I have been talking with Barry on the phone.
> We cannot determine what the problem is, ifconfig and route are set up OK. 
> Firewalls are turned off, one box can see and communicate with the other but 
> the other is blind.
> I can not figure out the cause.
> Chris you may have to give on-site support. I will be in Christchurch on 
> Wednesday and have offered to have a on-site look if Barry is still stuck.
> Cheers Ross Drummond

and vice versa may well help.


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