On 23 April 2010 18:24, Barry <barr...@paradise.net.nz> wrote:

> Jim Cheetham wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 5:08 PM, Barry <barr...@paradise.net.nz> wrote:
>>> after many failed attempts to view movies I am at a complete loss on
>>> where to search next for a cure to my problem.
>> *any* movie? What codecs are you trying? Perhaps you're trying to play
>> something you don't have any support for, and that's what's doing the
>> actual crashing.
> avi files from my camera, VOB, wmv. Not sure on how to check for installed
> video codecs. I seem to remember a package for microsoft codecs,do I need
> it??
>>  The problem does not occur with an install of Mandriva one live for
>>> 2009.0 but this distro has other problems, and an upgrade to 2009.1
>>> gives a messy system.
>> Well ... perhaps don't use Mandriva? If it can't upgrade itself
>> properly, use something that can.
Barry, I know you are addicted to that Mandrake derivative, but like its
root vegetable namesake, it really is dangerous. I had an unfortunate affair
with it some years ago, but fortunately managed to get off it without any
permanent damage or consequencies - I was a user for only a few months thank
goodness - I'll never touch it again primarily because of the ongoing
problems it seems to be giving you.

Here's an offer you should not refuse. I'll install Sabayon-5.2 plus all
updates to the minute on to your HP lappie over the w/e. It's both solid and
aesthetically beautiful. The KDE-4.4 concept of one so called 'activity' per
desk is exactly what a fellow needs.

All I need from the list is a suggestion for how Barry can be helped over
the   DTs and other symptoms of Mandrake withdrawal.  :-)

>> -jim
>>  one box performing excellently, it ain't broke so I don't want to fix it.

>  I would like both boxes on the same system.

You will - It's called Linux.

Sincerely etc.
Christopher Sawtell

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