On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 3:24 PM, dave <dave.lil...@clear.net.nz> wrote:
> Yes I do too when i first started using it it was defaults all the way just 
> add
> smtp & pop server settings.
> But I've had a couple of crashes ( one being a case of deleting indexes and
> recreating them, two another case of index corruption and most recently this
> crashing).
> I've had kmail up and running (closing it myself at least twice) since posting
> my call for help.
> fingers crossed that she's all good now.

All this reminds me of why storing all your mail in a client specific
format on your desktop is a bad idea.

Get an old machine, install postfix, fetchmail or getmail, procmail
and an imap server like dovecote. You can then use any client you like
and your mail will always be available on the server.

And PLEASE don't set your reply-to when posting to the list!

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