On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 12:56 AM, Nick Rout <nick.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 12:36 AM, David Lowe <da...@thistledown.co.nz> wrote:
>> Would the history log in Synaptic do the job? That's what I've used before
>> for this purpose.
>> - David
>> On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 12:27 PM, Andrew Sands <and...@theatrix.org.nz>
>> wrote:
>>> Guys,
>>> Google foo is not working well for me today, I know that I've seen a
>>> command to list out all packages that have been subsequently installed into
>>> an installation but it's a big fail bus on the results being returned.
>>> I need to know what I installed on the family 9.10 before upgrading to
>>> 10.04 LTS. Otherwise the signal-to-noise ratio will be real bad in my ear
>>> for the next week if I miss something out.
>>> Thanks in advance for any positive suggestions that are offered.
>>> regards,
>>> Andrew
> dpkg --get-selections

dpkg --get-selections >package.list.in.a.safe.place

Then you can cat package.list.in.a.safe.place| dpkg --set-selections
on the new system, although Volker's warning is appropriate.

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