Doesn't SO have a database and email portion, also.  Those are not in OOo.

Tim Wunder wrote:

> Aaron Grewell wrote:
>> Since the SO6 beta was basically equivalent to OpenOffice 641c, why not
>> use
>> that?  AFAIK there wasn't any difference except the logos.
> IIRC, SO6beta was based on OOo 638c. 641c will have some bugfixes that
> are not in SO6beta. I'm currently running SO6beta at home because I
> couldn't get 638c to install (font issues, I believe). I haven't tried
> 641c, yet (on the TODO list...). I'd recommend trying 641c and if it
> doesn't install right, then try SO6beta.
> Regards,
> Tim

Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><
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