On Fri, 1 Mar 2002 22:33, Rick Sivernell observed:
> Skippy
>    I have viewed your photos, I am a PROFESSIONAL AT THIS, & I have found
> the beach photos laking, there are no Marqutias in site, no Rum Daqui's,
> how can you have beaches and no boooooooooze < hehehehehehehe grin>
> Actually they are great, have not have time to view themall but will.
> Thanks

Oh its there all right, but not on the beach as that can be dangereous here.
Too many get drowned in rips etc when 'full', also had an idiot taken by 
crocs we think the same way; the odd one or two by sharks.

>     Hows all down under, saw your country did well here in salt lake, hell
> just about all of the people put out great effort, it was nice, we enjoyed
> it all.
> cheers

Yeah! They were the very first gold we have won at a winter Olympics, ever.
We were in the same boat as you were with the Summer Olympics, however.
They were on about midday our time but were taped and put to air at night 
8.30 9 pm so they did not have the following, unfortunately.

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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