> I tried it with X-essage-flag: , "X-message-flag:" and 
> X-message-flag as the 
> name with "Linux : The choice of a GNU generation" as the the value.

OK, some days I'm denser than others.  Bill's message came through our
lookout system with the X-Message displayed when I opened the message.

Yeah, this is neat.  I wouldn't mind doing it myself, even from lookout.
However, M$ Outlook help (in the usual M$ manner) refuses to admit that
there is any such thing, or to give any guidance in setting it.

After spending a while searching both the help listings and the menu
options, I gave up and opened the message and right clicked (give me help)
on the actual message Bill has appended.  It tells me that there is *no*
help available on this subject.

Sure, M$ will let you take it in, but not put it out.  Typical.  So, if any
of you gurus (I know, it isn't Linux) know how to *set* the x-message-flag
in Outlook, I'd like to know how!

In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

Tom  :-})

Thomas A. Condon
Barbershop Bass Singer
Registered Linux User #154358

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