Oliver Ob wrote:
> Tim Wunder schrieb:
>>Hi All,
>>Alan Jackson wrote a nice little SxS on Ripping Vinyl LPs that appears
>>under CD BURNERS. I recently ran across a relatively new Gnome program
>>that facilitates de-noising and de-clicking: The Gnome Wave Cleaner
>>(http://redhawk.org/gwc.html). I'm having a little trouble using it with
>>Caldera 3.1, but I'm working with the developer on that and hope to
>>resolve the issues I'm having. If anyone who has an interest in this
>>type of thing could download and try it (especially if you're a KDE user
>>-- the developer isn't), I'd like to find out how it works for you.
>>Aside from the glitches I'm experienceing (segfaults and memory bus
>>errors), the program seems to be pretty good. Very similar to CoolEdit
>>'96 that I used to use under Windows for de-clicking and de-noising lps.
> Hi Tim! I am really interested as I loved CE95 under Win and
> until now never found anything that could challenge it.
> Any further improvements?
> Please keep me/us here informed!!!

Well, I've been using it for a few weeks now, and I like it. But it's a 
little raw and needs work. Since my OP, the developer has added the 
ability to save selections of the WAV and has cleaned up playback, which 
became quite choppy when run from KDE. I still can't use the program 
under KDE very well (it's gotten better, though). Not only is KDE 
demanding (some call it a pig) in RAM usage, GWC loads the entire WAV in 
RAM, so it's quite the memory hog as well, especially if you load a 
particualarly large WAV. I usually run it from xfce started from 
runlevel 3 in order to get decent performance out of it.

I've recently run into segfault issues on a couple of WAVs. There must 
be something in the file that is mucking up the works, and I think he's 
working on it. Some files get processed without a hitch, some are quite 
troublesome. The developer's been very responsive to my iquiries and 
problems and I'm fairly sure he wouldn't mind more input from other 
users. If you've got the time, grab the proggy and give it a spin...

Also, if you have ANY ability as an icon artist, his icons need help 
(and he freely admits it ;-)).


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