On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 18:42:43 -0500 Marvin Dickens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 18:35:06 -0500
> Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Even if it never came to pass that MicroSoft withdrew their OS of the
> > day... I'm willing to bet that there will be more defections to Linux
> > based just on the comments of Balmer. Imagine the balls this guy
> > has... or lack of brains. Totally amazing. 
> > 
> > Play my game or I'll take my ball home... Hah! In my youth I'd have
> > told him to stuff the bloody ball,,,
> I have a different opinion... An analogy to what Balmer is proposing to
> do:
> You are a sheep farmer. You need water for your sheep. The creek you
> water your sheep with first flows through the cattle farm up stream. You
> have an arguement with the cattle farmer. He threatens to block the flow
> of water from his property. It's his right. He can do that. As a man who
> owns sheep you know that no water = dead sheep. because of the FUD the
> cattle farmer has created you agree to whatever terms the cattle farmer
> wants to resolve the arguement. Balmer is positioning M$ with FUD.
> Nothing more, nothing less. Besides, he knows that ultimately (No time
> in the near future...) M$ is gonna have to leave the OS business in
> order to remain profitable. He is just threatening to move the time
> table up. 
Using your model.  There does exisit another stream of water near by, it's
jusat a tad bit farther for the sheep to walk to... it's called "the
stream of life" in those parts of the farm belt... here it's called linux.
The odd thing is... some of those sheep are just smart enough to see a FUD
for what it is and move off to the more distant stream and greener

> Also, there are technical arguements dealing with the business model of
> how programming makes money (From the traditional programming factory
> model as well as the programming service model) that support Balmers
> position on. 

You are right. But if the current ms model get's turned on its ear... the
model will change.


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