This is really too cool.

I dragged the netscape script onto my panel. Now, I just highlight
the link in mutt (or any other application in KDE), hit the icon, and
netscape starts up on the link.


On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 07:06:55PM -0500, Joel Hammer wrote:
> I was pointed to the following very nice utility by a fellow on the mutt
> email loop:
> It installed without any complaints, very simple.
> the command:
> xclip -o 
> just sticks whatever is in the clipboard into your commandline or script.
> You can also write stuff to the clipboard, too.
> update | xclip
> for example.
> This is one handy utility.
> I use a text mode email client in a kde environment because:
> 1. It is very fast.
> 2. It never crashes.
> 3. I can log on from work and check my email from there, with a telnet
> session (Yes, I know. Very insecure. I haven't been hacked since I was a wet
> behind the ears newbie and likely won't be. I am paranoid.)
> Joel
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