Title: RE: OT: Feds want to drop protection of privacy regarding medical data

I believe we are talking about the "Privileged Communications" in an attorney/client relationship or the "Privileged Information" in a doctor/patient relationship.  That is why the doctor needs a release from you to pass that information on to your insurance company.

I'm not even sure that there is a legal statute applicable to this concept.  However, it is what allows attorneys to defend (and proclaim the innocence of without fear of purgery rulings) clients that they know darn well did it.  So the legal eagles will fight tooth and nail to keep the precedents in place.

This particular move seems like an inclusion of the insurance companies into the "privileged" club, not a wholesale changing of the rules.

In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

Tom  :-})

Thomas A. Condon
Barbershop Bass Singer
Registered Linux User #154358

PS Pardon the HTML.  I'm not doing it, and I'm trying to find out who the *($#R is and get it stopped.

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