Althoug it really don't matter, Windows has had encrypted passwords since 
Win95b, I beleieve, but by default they were plain text.  Win98 defaults to 

All be it, nothing to really stop anyone from getting the password if they 
really wanted it that bad, but it is there.

On Friday 22 March 2002 18:39, you were heard blurting out:
> --- Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I was handed a copy of CAIN 2.0 today. And boy was I surprised....
> >
> > Cain is a wonderful little (fits on a floppy) windows utility that
> > will
> > show you all the passwords on a target windows computer. All you need
> > do
> > is slip the floppy in the drive, explore it, click on cane.exe and
> > bingo... with in minutes it will show you all the passwords that the
> > user(s) have set on their desktop. For the really hard passwords,
> > there's
> > a "brute force" attack that can be performed in ferreting the
> > passwords
> > out of the target... It'll even snoop the smb stream and grab your
> > samba
> > passwords too. So far it's cracked all the 98 machines at work... The
> > longest time it took was less than 2 minutes to figure out a really
> > tough
> > 8 character password. Most of the "attacks" were instantaneous.
> >
> > It's hard to believe that a whole industry relies on such garbage as
> > windows. Truly amazing.
> In fairness to M$, the passwords used on anything before W2K weren't
> encrypted in any real way.  Can this thing crack a kerberos password on
> W2K or XP?
> =====
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Lonni J. Friedman                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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