A new flik on Sundance, called "Revolution OS" is being played quite a bit 
this month .  I found it very interesting and hope to catch it on again so I 
can tape it.

It is basically a documentary about GNU/Linux/FSF.

Linus Torvalds, Stallman and Tierman (my spelling is probably inaccurate) are 
a few of the persons of the OpenSource colaborators that appear in the show.

  Bill Day 
  Linux for Windows Addicts:
  A Twelve Step Program for Habitual Windows Users.
  ISBN: 0072130814
  Get it cause Ol' Billy Gates don't want you too!
  7:30pm  up 7 days,  6:20,  2 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.00
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