Much, much better.  Looks really good now (IMO).

--- Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The new "snapshot" of the developing site redesign is up. The
> following 
> concerns have been addresses:
> 1. the javascript windows resize is gone. It wasn't intended to be a
> part of 
> the site. I was using it to help me gauge window sizes, table
> alignments, and 
> font spacing.
> 2. the frame borders are invisible. they were only visible to
> illustrate the 
> layout to Net Llama. I didn't know he was going to tell everyone about
> the 
> url ;)
> 3. the middle frame has been absorbed into another frame much like the
> current site. I never cared for having it seperate. I just made it
> that way 
> so that I could keep track of the many required elements.
> 4. the "2 words per row" between the two tables has been fixed.
> however, this 
> means that the minimum browser window size is slightly larger (if you
> don't 
> want to have to scroll the site)
> Frames are still there. I don't care for them that much either, but
> the main 
> focus for right now is the design itself. How we do the layout can be
> worked 
> out after we have a "final" design.
> NOTE: The images on the site with the penguin are temporary. But the
> general 
> look is probably going to stay. (beach, books, some kind of beverage)
> I've 
> asked Burns to generate some new Dr Tux images whenever he gets some
> time.
> There's still a ton of 404 errors. It is intentional. There is no
> sense in 
> copying all that content around when the focus right now is the "face"
> of the 
> site.
> There is nothing I can do about the white on white in the store. I've
> sent a 
> request up to the site admin (the store is one of those co-partner
> things). 
> The jury is still out on whether the final site will have a store or
> not. 
> Opinions?
> You'll also note the opinions link. This will take you to a beta site
> of a 
> concept that we are kicking around. Essentially, what we were hoping
> to 
> achieve was a place where you (the user) can go to look up reviews
> (written 
> by your peers in the community) of different hardware or software or
> distros. 
> think meets the linux hardware compatibility list meets
> the 
> steps. The site will also have relevant links to SxS content. For
> example, 
> you go to the opinion site and lookup cd-r drives. It will present you
> with a 
> link to the relevant SxS material on cd-r drives, and will also show
> what 
> cd-r drives have been reviewed by the community. the reviews will tell
> the 
> make and model, the success, what kernel, what distro, overall rating
> of the 
> drive, etc. That way you can see "oh look. lite-on drives work well
> with 
> linux. acer ones dont. guess I wont be buying that acer drive at best
> buy 
> after all". There are very few reports in the system right now. If you
> get a 
> chance, create a login and start generating reports. Try to break it.
> Then 
> send me whatever errors messages/issues/ideas/etc you encounter.
> The url is still

Lonni J. Friedman                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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