What if the submission agreement covers the liability of copyright
infrongement. Holy cow, that would really be horrible. Will you submit
something? Nah.. you won't take the risk.

Also, I doubt whether these U-professors really know whether an old was
actually an old idea repackaged. They couldn't possibly knew all old
ideas. Seems that it's all about timing. If person A published an
article first, he/she might sue anyone who made simliar article

My classmate was acreeditted a PhD (by local authority), but I never
quite knew what his thesis was talking about, let alone judging whether
it's innovative in the field.

> But then again, what do I know...?... Kurt and David B. 
> are better equipped than I am at this sort of thing.
> But then again, as someone else stated, none of us are writing a thesis to become a 
>Rocket Doctor.
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