On Friday 05 April 2002 01:54, toylet.linux[¤pª±·N] wrote:
> procmail: Extraneous locallockfile ignored

this could be from just about anything. kmail can be configured to use 
procmail style locks, and procmail will notice them and give this.

> procmail: Skipped "duplicate"
> procmail: Skipped ", through it out. if it's not, add the message id to
> the cache file"

this looks like you have a comment in the file that procmail doesn't realize 
is a comment...

> procmail: Lock failure on "/var/log/msgid.lock"

I'd say that /var/log is where /etc/procmailrc wants to write lockfiles 
(judging by this error)

> formail: Couldn't open "/var/log/msgid.cache"

and I'd say it wants to keep the cache in /var/log as well.

Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep - http://www.linux-sxs.org
        and http://jobs.linux-sxs.org

panic("esp_handle: current_SC == penguin within interrupt!");
        2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/esp.c

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