
On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Matthew Carpenter wrote:

> Guys!  I believe this is a config setting.
> Don't ask me what it is, but I'm pretty sure of it.
> On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 21:36:01 -0700
> "Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > One of the things I don't like is kdm.  It seems there used to be a way,
> > but the current kdm has no way to exit X to a normal console which I
> > need from time to time to do maintenance as root (a few things don't
> > work in su mode) without X or to clone the system for backup.

   You don't EVER have to drop out of X and into a TTY to do work as root.  
Some things don't work as root because you are not su'ing to it properly.  

   From within an xterm do a 'su - root' and I think you will find that 
root will behave properly for you.  The '-' makes all the difference :-)
It tells su that you want ALL of root's priveledges and paths.  Without 
the '-' you only get SOME of root's priveledges and paths.  

   Give it a try ;-)

      --- Jay
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