Tony Alfrey wrote:
> On Wednesday 24 April 2002 05:06 pm,Net Llama! wrote:
>>Tony Alfrey wrote:
>>>On Wednesday 24 April 2002 01:06 pm,Kurt Wall wrote:
>>>>Scribbling feverishly on April 24, Tony Alfrey managed to emit:
>>>>>I want to know why there is no space for Mike Andrew's bio and why
>>>>>he insists on being so mysterious.
>>>>Mike instructed us to remove his bio.
>>>Isn't this like Moses asking his name to be removed from the 10
>>>commandments?  Who was it that said "humility will get you
>>>nowhere" ?   ;-)
>>I don't think it was humility.  Mike requested that he be removed
>>from the SxS, not just the listing.
> Oooops.  Errr, did we piss him off??  I promised him I'd never use 
> insmod again!! 

You didn't do anything.  In a nutshell, he wasn't happy about how 
certain editors were contributing to the site, and turned in his 
resignation.  Attempts have been made to have him return, however he hasn't.

I'd rather not go into specifics, because it was quite honestly a very 
ugly series of events that occured behind the scenes.

At this point, the only important thing is that he left voluntarily, and 
isn't willing to return.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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