I had written to this list before, complaining that opera and netscape 6.2
crashed on some web pages when being run in remote X session. Well, that was
not the whole story. These browsers fail only when running on my main
server. When the client (really the X server) logs onto any other machine
in my little home network, these browsers do not crash. So, there must be
some configuration problem on the main server. I suppose I will never find
out what is causing this, although I will try.  

Second item worth bringing up. I was running konqueror (redhat 7.1) as a
remote application on my wife's new linux box (an old retread win98 box),
and all was well. I was reading the NYTimes, which is free but full of popup
ads. I finally started rejecting cookies from those popup people. Suddenly,
I started getting plugin errors galore from konqueror, which made it almost
unusable. I restarted konqueror, with the same problem. So, I reset the
cookie policy to accept those cookies again, and the problem went away.

This seems like a bug in konqueror or a clever way for the NYTimes to
avoid parasites like me. Has anyone else had a similar experience?


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