On Mon, 29 Apr 2002 19:33:03 -0400 Jerry McBride
> Boy it came fast. It looks as though my emails were answered as
> 2.5.11 does not crap duing compile where 2.5.10 did. :0)
> However, getting the frame buffer protion to compile is... well..
> sticky. I think maybe 2.5.12 will be the fix for that one.
> So far, it looks as though my mother was correct in teaching me,
> "the squeaky wheel get the grease". It's alive and well. From what I
> can tell, more of the source code was tested for compiling than
> 2.5.10. 

Even the 2.4.x stable series has some compile failures and data
integrity failures from time to time, but what you're dealing with is
a total crap shoot.  Consider yourself lucky if you don't roll

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.18-xfs xfce-sylpheed-dillo-opera
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