
I downloaded and installed the stage3 i686 tarball.  All in all, it wasn't
bad.  However I couldn't get grub to install.  I attempted to install it
according to the docs: >Grub root (hd0,0)
          >Grub setup (hd0)

The first command worked fine.  However the second is giving me problems.
When I do this I get one of two messages.  Either an error saying it
couldn't find a stage1 file (it looks in two different locations, dont
recall them though), or if it does find it, it says the device string is
unrecognizable.  These aren't verbatim, but thats the basic message.

My drive is set up as follows:
1st partition 385MB Boot Primary
2nd partition 200MB Swap Logical
3rd partition 9GB Root Logical
4th partition Fat32 w/Win98 already instlled and running.

The Swap and Root are on the same Primary partition.
This is how the partitions show up in Partition Magic.  But if you go by
sectors, the FAT32 partition is actually the 1st partition.  Then the Boot,
Swap and Root partitions.  The FAT32 partion is 32GB.

Does anybody have any suggestions on how to get this beast going with the
existing Win98 FAT32 partition?  Is it possible to install Grub to the Win98
partition w/out losing that OS?  Other suggestions?

FN:Brian Witowski
ORG:Pyramid Computer Systems
TEL;WORK;VOICE:(231) 331-6090
TEL;CELL;VOICE:(231) 409-9541

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