On Monday 06 May 2002 07:23 am, Net Llama! uttered words of wisdom:
> I'm working on writing up a brief history of the SxS.  I managed to dig
> up a copy of my SxS mirror, circa January 2001:
> http://tygemo.sf.net/pix/sxs.tar.bz2
> I also found the front page of my mirror from May 2000:
> http://web1.archive.org/web/20000521105959/http://members.xoom.com/netllama
> Anyone else have any old content or history to contribute?

Umm!! Yes I do but my recoltection of time frames is very shaky, but the 
essential facts are very clear in my mind.
All the older members of the linux-SxS list were initially, as you well know, 
members of the caldera lists and It seems to me that the period was circa 
1996-7 and somewhere about 18-24 months after I had initailly joined that the 
first migration in strength of 'windows newbies' started to appear in the 
then caldera list/lists. I remember the clamour for information especially 
using cdwriters and printers with linux at that time, oh yes! along with 
kernel recompiling. 

The same questions were arising day after day for many weeks when Mike Andrew 
suggested that we put together an online website that featured answers to 
these annoying questions that we were repeatedly answering. I remmeber about 
this time the list then was receiving up to 150-200 mails per day. You, 
Lonni, were involved at that time in another list and were also redirecting 
the members to the site as well. There were quite a few contributors like, 
yourself, mike, me, ian, kurt, burn etc to name a few. Apologies to those I 
left off.

It would be about 3-4 months into the use of the site when Mike had the first 
of his 'blackouts' so noone aprt from myself in Oz could reach hime. Why I 
could I do not remmeber but on my own bat I grabbed the whole site and put it 
up on 'Eastwind' so as it could be reached; remember you had a shot at me for 
doing this <grin> plagerism was the word. I came right back to say that i was 
only mirroring it for Mikes' sake till he got backup again, as I had no 
permission from him to do so.

After he was back online he then told us it was ok for me to keep the mirror 
going and it would be only days after that, that you also put the site up as 
a mirror. I think we were both updating manually for a while till you found 
wget or something like it. So you and I were the first and only mirrors for 
quite a while, Mike always being a bit flaky and also as it grew having 
bandwidth problems.Remember the photo 'rogues' gallery <g>.

Hope this helps, anything else ask but I might not remember!!!!!!!!!

Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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