I have no experience with devfs, so i really can't offer any suggestions.
Just wondering why you'r using devfs in the first place, when its really
not 'stable' code?
I've gotten everything you're struggling with working under the
tracditional /dev/ system with mjpegtools, so this is definitely a devfs

On Mon, 6 May 2002, Keith Antoine wrote:

> I have not been getting replies to recent mail, I just noticed that I had a
> return address of kantoine@CPE-203-45-140-190 instead of the correct address.
> Kmail picked up the IP instead. Hopefully I might be better now.
> I assume that the problems I am experiencing are due to my inability to get
> to grips with devfs as opposed to the old /dev.
> I have occasion to use 'alevt' the teletext prog, however it has operated but
> now does not, for some reason. What it is returning is::
> alevt: /dev/vbi: No such file or directory
> alevt: cannot open /dev/vbi
> However there exists a device in /dev/v4l/vbi0 along with devices for video0
> and video1. I also have problems with programs that are accessing the video
> drivers too. There also exist character devices pointing to the above in
> /dev, but when I try to access them they 'do not exist'. The alevt calls vbi
> not vbi0, so I did a link but still does not 'see' it and on a reboot the
> link is destroyed. video calls /dev/video and the result is the same. I have
> tried chmod 666 and 777 on the devices and also chown kantoine:users to no
> avail, of course they disappear on reboot.
> Mjpegtools 'lavrec' will not startup to record as it cannot find ::
> ++ WARN: [lavrec] Unable to set negative priority for main thread
> ++ WARN: [lavrec] Pthread Real-time scheduling for main thread could not be
> enabled
> ++ WARN: [lavrec] Unable to set negative priority for audio thread.
> ++ WARN: [lavrec] Pthread Real-time scheduling for audio thread could not be
> enabled.
> **ERROR: [lavrec] Unable to get audio - exiting ....
> So the audio is not found, bet video will not be found either. AFAIAC 'audio'
> is /dev/dsp which exists as does /dev/mixer all pointing to /dev/sound
> [kantoine@CPE-203-45-140-190 kantoine]$ ls -l /dev/sound
> total 0
> crw-------    1 kantoine audio     14,   3 Jan  1  1970 dsp
> crw-------    1 kantoine audio     14,   0 Jan  1  1970 mixer
> crw-------    1 kantoine audio     14,  15 Jan  1  1970 unknown
> Yes there exists a /dev/unknown (what is this). Again tried what I did to vbi
> all again did not work. So I need some advice from someone who has been here
> before as to how the hell I get them 'seen'...................
> Is it to do with /etc/devfsd.conf ??
> Me little brain I have left is now very numb and not working well at all.

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo        

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