On Sat, 18 May 2002 19:24:14 -0500 "Richard R. Sivernell"

> Got to rebuild a system here. I have the ew 3.1.1 cd'd and the install
> gives the following choices for file system: ext2/3 or resierfs. I would
> like to try xfs, hope that is proper name, my question is should use 
> ext3 or resier and thenconvert each partition by hand to xfs? or just
> use ext3? What would you all suggests? I have a system with reseirfs
> allready.

If you know you are going to use xfs, then why complicate the process by
installing ext3 or resier?
Just install using ext2 and then go about the process of patching in the
xfs filesystem.

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