I'm by no means an expert, but i've user a bunch of different SCSI 
drives.  With SCSI there are *alot* of name games, and no hard standard. 
  Sometimes you'll see "Ultra" in front, sometimes you won't.  Roughly 
speaking, SCSI-1 is 40, SCSI-2 is 80, and SCSI-3 is 160.  As for pin 
outs, you have 68pin, and 80pin.  80pin (also referred to as SCA) is a 
hotswappable drive, almost always found in rackmountable servers, where 
high availability is of concern.  68pin is what you have.  Old SCSI 
stuff had 50pin interfaces as well.


Tony Alfrey wrote:
> Can someone briefly explain the differences in SCSI drive pin formats?
> Specifically, I have Seagate 68 pin internal SCSI drives.  I believe 
> that they are the so-called "Ultra 2 LVD" format.  But there appear to 
> be other SCSI formats that have the exact same connector, for example, 
> something called "SCSI-3".  Can someone recommend a simple summary of 
> these various formats?
> Thanks!

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