Keith Antoine wrote:
> On Friday 24 May 2002 23:26, Net Llama! wrote:
>>On Fri, 24 May 2002, Keith Antoine wrote:
>>>On Friday 24 May 2002 17:40, Net Llama! wrote:
>>>>Keith, once again, are you looking for a Linux based solution, or
>>>>something that would run on windoze98?  Also, it sounds like you want a
>>>>pretty front end to the DB, and not just some SQL queries, correct?
>>>Again practically all busines runs on windows so yes its win98. Yes it
>>>would have to be a GUI front end so as he could understand it. Linux is
>>>not a dirty word here they just do not know it exists, I am trying to
>>>school them. I have actually got a linux file server/net server build for
>>>a pro photographer, not running as yet but will be soon.
>>So do you want the frontend to run on windoze, or the entire DB?
> It will all have to run on windows.

Sorry, i can't help you there.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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