Keith "Skippy" Antoine aka "Gandalf" wrote inter alia:
> I sent today a ,mail stating that I was in Calder 2.4, when actaully I was 
> not, but just going to install it at last. Now I have egg on my face because 
> i was totally unable to Install:
> Caldera eDesktop2.4, Caldera LTP and also Caldera desktop 3.0
> It appears that 2.4 is totally unable to install from either of my cddrives; 
> LTP has great problems with my video card, and lastly 3.0 takes ages to boot 
> up to a diagrammed background screen without any text and it freezes.

I've experienced a similar problem installing a different distro
(BearOps) on my "son of lab rat" system.
The culprit turned out to be the hard drive (Quantum 8.4 GB "bigfoot")
and not the CD drives. I swapped out the Quantum "flatfoot" for an
elderly WD 6.4 and that solved the problem for me. BTW all of my drives
are IDE.

If you've got another old HD sitting around, give it a try.
Leon A. Goldstein
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System 5WV271
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