On Fri, 31 May 2002, Michael Hipp wrote:
> Thanks, Lonni. But I'd like to better understand this.
> Am I misreading the output of px aux in that the 9.2 numbers are not
> additive. In other words, the first one is true, all after that are
> essentially a lie (a false reflection of the first)?

My understanding is that with a threaded app, you're seeing the multiple
threads off of the same parent process.  This can best be illustrated
using 'pstree'.  Its not a lie at all, just an interpretation.

> Opera:
> root      3975  3.3  4.5 19240 11752 ?       S    09:12   0:00 opera
> root      3976  0.0  4.5 19240 11752 ?       S    09:12   0:00 opera
> Konq:
> root      3981  2.7  7.3 29316 18836 ?       S    09:13   0:01 kdeinit:
> konquero
> Are these numbers real? If not, is there some tool that shows a more
> useful presentation of *actual* memory/resource usage?

Looks like Opera does quite well.  However, you can't ignore the fact that
you need to run about 10 other KDE related processes (which are not
specifically part of the Konqie proc) in order to fire up Konqie in the
first place.  Add up all of their resource utilizations, and it will most
likely outdue Mozilla by far.

> Konq is a half-finished browser. I want to adopt Mozilla as my standard.
> But based on above, I'm warming to Opera more all the time.

Opera isn't finished either.  Personally, i don't see how they can
continue to compete in the Linux market, when all of the other
alternatives (good, bad or ugly) are free (as in beer & speach), and in
many cases alot more standard compliant (Mozilla for starters).

Granted, all of my boxes tend to have gobs of memory in them (512MB or
more) so, i'm most likely not seeing the same performance as alot of
others with respect to Mozilla.

I've been exceptionally pleased with Mozilla, and i honestly don't use any
other browser for anything.

If you (or anyone else) suspects that the version of Mozilla that you're
running actually has a memory leak, you can easily test it.  Mozilla comes
(the pre-compiled binaries, at least) with a built in memory leak
On the top menu, Debug -> Leak Detector

I'm just skeptical, as if this problem was as evident as others claim, it
would be far better known by now, especially as we approach the 1.0

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo                  http://netllama.ipfox.com

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