On Tue, 4 Jun 2002 09:31:06 -0400 (EDT)
Net Llama! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm no mail admin, but from what others who are mail admins tell me, exim
> is miles easier to learn than Sendmail, and just as configurable.

I use exim. It is easier to configure, and it is command-libe compatible
with sendmail. So, it can be used as a sendmail replacement (from a
command-line invocation POV). It also has a GUI to monitor the mail queue
and allow you to deal with messages as is appropriate. I also user Majordomo
with it.

Keep in mind that if you will be running any anti-spam or -viri doodads,
then you may need to be running sendmail. Depends on the doodad. But most
seem to target sendmail.

If you plan on doing any imap stuff, then you need to be sure that the
mailer stores files in a way that the imap software can use. I have not yet
found an imap server that will server up exim's files. Of course, I have not
looked very hard (yet).

> On Tue, 4 Jun 2002, Myles Green wrote:
> > I find myself needing to set up a mail server for multiple (remote)
> > users and was wondering what package(s) might be best. I was going to
> > just use sendmail but if there's something better.... well, I'd like to
> > hear some opinions.
> >
> > TIA,
> >
> > myles
> >
> >
> -- 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Lonni J Friedman                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo                http://netllama.ipfox.com
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