On Thursday 06 June 2002 01:29 am, m.w.chang wrote:
> note the word "Messenger", not the browser.. :) I am using IE6 most of
> the time.

Um, IE6 isn't a mail client. What I hear you saying is that you don't use 
Mozilla becasuse of the mail client. What mail client comes with IE6? Outlook 
Express? I will take Mozilla's mail client ANY day over Outlook Express. And 
Mozilla, the browser, is easily the best browser on Windows,and probably 
linux (although I haven't tried Galeon yet) for it's tab-browsing alone. 
There is *nothing* that IE6 offers that I'd consider better than Mozilla. 


> >> Just wanna be cautious... Did you notice any scroll-bar related errors
> >> in the U.I.? I did... and I worried that those unfixed U.I. bugs could
> >> crash the mozilla suddenly, causing data errors on my many-years-old
> >> messsage-base... :)
> >
> > what kind of errors??  i've honestly never seen any errors in mozilla.

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