On Sat, 08 Jun 2002 11:47:16 -0600  Andrew Mathews wrote:
> Alan Jackson wrote:
> > Well our power went away last night for several hours, and that's when
> > I discovered that I forgot to put my router/switch on the UPS - whoops!
> > So I couldn't rlog into one of my systems to shut it down. And that system
> > is causing me problems today. 
> <snip>
> Does the sick system have a default route set? route -n or netstat -r 
> should list the default route if it's set, otherwise use the
> route add default gw xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx command to set it.

Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface     *        U         0 0          0 eth0       *            U         0 0          0 lo

so I did 

route add default gw router.oplnk.net

and that fixed it!

Thank you!!

I still have no idea why it broke.....
| Alan K. Jackson            | To see a World in a Grain of Sand      |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]          | And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,         |
| www.ajackson.org           | Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand |
| Houston, Texas             | And Eternity in an hour. - Blake       |

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