Umm I have just spent a frustrating few days trying to figure out why my dia 
compile wasn't working... It wasn't until I read a sams unix in 24hrs (yeah 
right) book that explained what a makefile was did I know where to start... 
It was a simple back slash that was the problem causing a comment to run on 
to the cpp define statements.

#               charconv.c \
#               charconv.h \
-DLIBDIR=\"$(libdir)\" \

#               charconv.c \
#               charconv.h
-DLIBDIR=\"$(libdir)\" \

My question is can anyone recommended a good book that discusses and explains 
gnu make automake autoconf libtool and the macro language and syntax of 
aclocal etc?...

I'm not a complete idiot so I need a book for "people who aren't complete 
idiots" not a for dummies or such.

  James McDonald
  MCSE (Windows 2000/NT4), CCNA, CCA, MCP + I
  Registered Linux User #209832 (home)
  Red Hat Linux release 7.2 (Enigma)
 11:50pm  up 16:22,  4 users,  load average: 0.65, 0.24, 0.20

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