On Wed, 26 Jun 2002 19:11:16 -0400
Kurt Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Also sprach James McDonald:
> >
> > Umm I was wondering if there is anyway of breaking out of a script by 
> > capturing the CTRL+C combination and completey exiting the script I am
> You should be able to use the trap builtin (if you're using bash).

as well as sh and ksh/pdksh, which is as far as my shell use goes. I would
expect csh/zsh/tcsh all have the capability. wish uses a 'bind' command to
trap things (both real and virtual). Oddly, most people don't consider wish/tclsh when 
making 'shell' scripts. Too bad. Works great.

| Roger Oberholtzer          |   E-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
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