[ snips ]

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 20:06:17 -0400 dep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> begin  Michael Hipp's  quote:
> | I'm curious. What do you find attractive about Slackware? What
> | causes it to stand out so above the others?
> it takes other people's system resources seriously, and but for 
> bsd-style init scripts sticks to the fhs.

Init scripts are not all they're cracked up to be.  How often do you
really need to change them once your system is up and running? 
Resource friendly is good.

> | My (unlearned) impression is it's the one with a face only a
> mother| could love. And will never be anything more than a
> curiousity. So| in that way, it's arguably no different than Gentoo.
> Just older.
> older sometimes has its advantages -- patrick and his people have
> been around the block enough to know what they're doing. and i
> daresay there are several people here who would point out that it is
> not a curiousity -- at least not in the way gentoo is.
> and a wild voice out in the fever swamp someplace howling "gentoo"
> over and over

This particular voice in the fever swamp howls "Slackware" from time
to time, too.  I can find little fault with Slackware, other than the
Slack packages concept.  It seems that Slack does not offer a very
broad variety of packages in its native format.

I would be curious to hear details from someone who has developed a
realy slick (or slack)  approach for maintaining software on a Slack

Slack has its own package database, but offers relatively few
packages.  gentoo has its own package database, and almost everything
is available or can easily be provided.  Most other distros have the
RPM database with a lot of packages available but with lots of
dependancy problems.  debian, of course, has its dpkg database with
more to offer than Slack, but far from everything, and almost no one,
it seems, understands dpkg.

I keep hearing InstallWatch mentioned from time to time, but I don't
have any experience with this.

Who has a simple howto on maintaining Slack?  I'm thinking of
something with a database of installed packages, of course.

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.18+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla
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