On Fri, 05 Jul 2002 07:59:28 -0400 dep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> begin  Jerry McBride's  quote:
> | I'm just begining to iron out some minor flaws with KDE 3.02.
> | During on of my breaks I
> | ran du on the directory that holds all the uncompressed and
> | compiled source code and
> | wow! 1.6gig... The i18n internationalization stuff accounts for
> | about a third of that...
> why in the name of creation did you download the i18n stuff? you don't 
> need it. nobody needs *all* of it. and if you're speaking english 
> exclusively, you don't need *any* of it.

I thought it'd be fun... Besides, while I can't speak spanish like a
native, I like reading it...


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