Print question:
eWorkstation 3.1.1 Samba 2.2 & cups 1.15
Neatgear print server, like jetdirect from HP but cheaper

Usijng Kups in control panel I can use the raw printer, but not 
text is printered, but the HP2000C just moves paper from input 
to output. If I select the proper driver, Kups says it can not create
temp printer. Usinging Cups admin in browser, I get server error -
internal error.
Windows prints to the server just fine, & so does printer. I would 
set to windows printing except the samba selection is grayed out
on the list of selectable choices.  Has anyone been able to get this
working on their system.

Rick Sivernell
Dallas, Texas  75287
972 306-2296
Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1.1
Registered Linux User

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