On Friday 12 July 2002 8:50 pm, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
> Wow...  They're either getting daring up there in Redmond or they're
> smoking better stuff than I am.
> Well, I suppose they may be anticipating a power outage for the duration
> of this event....
> -----Original Message-----
> July 10, 2002
> Security Watch
> http://mcpmag.com/security/
> http://ENTmag.com
> =================================================================
> - MCP TechMentor Conf - San Diego - September 3-7
> http://www.techmentorevents.com/sandiego/
> =================================================================
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> In This Special Issue:
>   -  The Windows Security Challenge is Live
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> **The Windows Security Challenge is Live
> By Keith Ward
> Welcome to this special edition of Security Watch! I'm at the Elliot
> Grand Hyatt hotel in downtown Seattle, Washington, site of the MCP
> TechMentor Summit on Security. We've been spending the day configuring
> our typical Windows 2000 network for security, using industry experts
> and standard best practices for hardening.
> For those of you unable to attend in person, we still want you to join
> in on the action. Starting at 6 p.m. PST today, we invite you to attack
> our network -- any part, any time -- until the Windows Challenge ends
> at midnight tomorrow, July 11. Any kind of attack is welcome; in fact,
> the more creative and aggressive, the better. Remember, we've got some
> of the best in the business locking down our network; you'll need to be
> good to get in.

Has anyone heard what happened?
Pam R
Tony Blair and Bill Gates are my heroes.
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