I don't see any messenger icon on my win$ desktop. I didn't install MSN 
stuffs neither. puzzling...why would it try to reach my host. Thanks.

Matthew Carpenter wrote:
> "A combination of the port ('MSNP') and the address ('hotmail.com')
> indicates that this is traffic associated with the Microsoft MSN Hotmail
> service.  In fact, it is Microsoft's MSN Messenger 'instant messaging'
> application."
>  http://www.eicon.com/support/helpweb/dlanen/dl010.htm
>> DST=me.me.me.me LEN=41 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=118 ID=11611 PROTO=TCP 
>> SPT=1863 DPT=1042 WINDOW=17011 RES=0x00 ACK URGP=0
>>   Netname: HOTMAIL
>>     Netblock: -

Linux 2.4.18
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