
ReBirth 338 1.0
ReBirth 338 2.0+

I have searched the entire Propellerheads' homepage and other sources.
I have exchanged mails with M.Zetterquist, one of the programmers and
still do.
I need a KDE (or even better: CONSOLE) player for the audio RB format,
I was able to locate format descriptions on the above pages, but even
the programmers do not know of a Rebirth Format player (.RBS file ext)
under Linux environment. ("devzone" on the HP above)

Now the ?:

Is there any of you capable of programming such a thing? Maybe you
know one of that kind. Please PM me, I am in contact with Propheads
for Linux support anyway.

So far I have found similar analogue synth programs for Linux, but
none of those I know does support the ingenious .RBS Format.

**** As of yesterday I now have the format description from the
guys at Steinberg.

So is there any coders wanting to help?

*º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨¨*¤        =Oliver@home=         *º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨*¤
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