That is if you do a fresh 8.0 install.  I upgraded this boxen from 
SuSe 7.3 to 8.0 and it kept all the
SuSEconfig stuff, as well as the dependancies on it. I have stumbled 
across on 8.0, that you can
turn of all SuSEconfig checking as well as it "checkperms" stuff. But 
it then tells you you will not
get any SuSE support after doing that.

Douglas J Hunley wrote:

> you are correct. SuSEconfig is the culprit. and with the 8.0, there is no more 
> monolithic config file. 8.1 (released in upcoming Oct) will be evern less 
> monolithic config and damn near 100$ FHS/LSB compliant
> - -- 

Ben Duncan   Phone (601)-355-2574     Fax (601)-355-2573   Cell 
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