Are you using Mailx?
I thought mailx was intended for use within scripts.

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Net Llama! [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
        Sent: Sat 9/21/2002 2:51 AM 
        To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject: Re: how to send mail without human intervention?

        grrr...i hate it when i do this.  ok, i figured out a workaround
        (although not what i'd call ideal).  I can redirect the contents of a
        file into that mail command like so:
        mail -n -s "another test of mail" [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /tmp/whatever
        i just wish there was a way to just specify the body somehow.  oh well.
        Net Llama! wrote:
        > I'm writing a bash script where I need to send email out depending on
        > certain conditions within the script.
        > I'm thought that I could use 'mail' to do the job, but it seems to
        > require human intervention to send the message out.  I'm trying:
        > mail -n -s "another test of mail" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        > yet it keeps insisting on having me type something for the body, and
        > then hit Ctrl-D or a . at the end in order to send it.  Looking at the
        > man page for mail there doesn't seem to be any option that lets me set
        > the body message from the command itself.  Am i missing something
        > obvious, or is there a better tool for the job?  thanks!
        L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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