Bill Campbell wrote:
> I got a NetGear FA511 CardBus NIC today to replace a FA510 that was
> destroyed by a ham-handed, careless klutz (but then I repeat myself).
> In any case, running Caldera 3.1.1 Workstation, the FA511 isn't recognized.
> The syslog entries show that it's returning in info string of simply ``N'',
> with reasonable values for the other manufacturer's ID values (it's offline
> now so I can't cut and paste them in).  In the past I've usually been able
> to edit the /etc/pcmcia/config file to create an entry based on a similar
> card, but none of my attempts here succeeded.  The older FA510 card
> identified itself as a UMAX, but still ran the usual tulip_cb driver.
> Is it possible that I just got a bad card given that it's returning a
> single character ID string?
> The NIC comes with LINUX stuff on the CD including an older version of the
> pcmcia-ps code that what is on the 3.1.1 machine, and instructions on how
> to build tulip drivers from the kernel source.  This appears to be fairly
> dated, the most recent RedHat stuff being for 7.0.

Well, you could always just manually load tulip_cb and see if you can 
get the card to work.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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