Mozilla is critically flawed in that it has no search engine 
incorporated into it; unless you default load to a browser like 
netscape, with all its advertising cruft, or or something 
like  it. By itself it is totally useless unless you happen to have the 
http address of the site you want. If you want info on something like 
the Hykosis Kings try punching that into mozilla's search and you get a 
can't find server error message. It also has a rather nasty tendency to 
lockup on my box for no known reason. But, that might be because it 
doesn't like my particular box; so,I wouldn't fault it pending further 

Net Llama! wrote:
> Because Netscape *is* Mozilla (minus a few months), with added marketing &
> advertising cruft.
> On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Lee wrote:
>>Believe the question dealt with netscape not mozilla. That is a matter
>>of personal preference of which to use. If you haven't used it how would
>>you know which is better? That's a little like a bible fundamentalist
>>arguing against evolution even though he never a book about it.
>>Net Llama! wrote:
>>>I've goten Mozilla 1.0 & 1.1 to work under Caldera & Redhat.  I have no
>>>need nor desire to touch Netscape.
>>>On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Tony Alfrey wrote:
>>>>Has anybody gotten netscape 7 to work and if so, on what distro?
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