is it related to the libmilter compilation error above?
maybe I undefine procmail as mailer and try again...

m.w.chang wrote:
> permission problem.. help...
> Sep 29 21:18:06 server smrsh: uid 500: attempt to use procmail
> Sep 29 21:18:06 server sendmail[22075]: g8TDI6rw022075: to="|exec 
> /usr/bin/procmail", ctladdr=toylet (500/100), delay=00:00:00, 
> xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=prog, pri=32614, dsn=5.0.0, stat=Service unavailable
> Sep 29 21:18:06 server sendmail[22075]: g8TDI6rv022075: Losing 
> ./qfg8TDI6rv022075: savemail panic
> Sep 29 21:18:06 server sendmail[22075]: g8TDI6rv022075: SYSERR(root): 
> savemail: cannot save rejected email anywhere

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