On Mon, 07 Oct 2002 00:39:57 -0400 Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sunday 06 October 2002 09:21 pm, m.w.chang wrote:
> > glibc-2.3 requires gcc-3.2 and gcc 3.2 is not backward comapatible to
> > older gcc stuffs, right? will it create chaos?
> >
> > > you have to use 'checkinstall make install localedata/install-locales'
> > > and, BTW glibc-2.3 is out
> >
> > so they are normal. I want to build an rpm and then I will install the
> > COL 3.1 again using the minimum option. hehe...then I upgrade glibc
> > fromt he rpm I made. basically, everything is working fine after reboot.
> >
> <snip>
> Really?
> My installation of glibc 2.2.5 seems to have rendered me incapable of 
> compiling *anything* on my Caldera e3.1-based system. It's interesting that 
> you seem to have compiled and installed glibc 2.2.5 without incident. What 
> glibc were you running prior to 2.2.5?

I compiled glibc 2.2.5 on my desktop and it installed perfectly over top 2.2.4
included in COL 3.1.1. After I made a tarball of the glibc compile directory
tree and burned it to a cdrom. Popping that cdrom into a laptop that is
architecturally similar... I was able to install 2.2.5 onto it. No bugs and no


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